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Chromasphere is available on Android Play store and Amazon

Full version features new level in a new world.

Chromasphere is available on Android Play store and Amazon
"This game is very entertaining and offers hours of fun with replayable levels at a minimum price." - 4.5/5 appadvice.com
"Chromasphere (App Store) is a high-quality graphical successful and also very atmospheric game that is fun." 4.5/5 ​appgamers.de

Chromasphere is only available on Android at this current time.
11/01/2013 - Chromasphere released on Apple iOS
Chromasphere is finally released on Apple iOS for iPhone, iPod touch & iPad. Featuring HD graphics Playbook users will be familar with plus integration with twitter and Apple's social gaming platform, Game Center​​.
​​​14/09/2012 - Black Mesa v1.0 released
Black Mesa is now available for download. Check out www.blackmesasource.com for download details.​​
27/08/2012 - Chromasphere update 1.0.6 released on Android & Blackberry
1. Mega-shards - save shard colour to buttons
2. Many Levels updated to include new mega-shards
3. Sound FX implemented
4. Replay system - replays saved for every level
5. New Hints system
6. Loading screen tips made simpler
7. New UI graphics
8. 2 New Levels (paid version)
9. Level Sequence Revised
10. Improvements to control
11. Boosters
12. Blank screen at startup removed​

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